Charles Frohman, NHF lobbyist, is a libertarian yogi seeking the truth and a better world. After graduating in 1988 with a Government B.A. from the College of William and Mary, he discovered while helping Congressmen in the 1990s how difficult it is for idealists to defeat special-interest subsidies or the restrictions they impose upon competitors. After lobbying for financial trade associations and ending up at the Cato Institute, Frohman served a variety of nonprofits as his lobbying clients in the 2000s – including Health Ventures for Pain Medicine Rights, Consumer Health Reform, and Natural Health. At the end of the decade, he returned as an insider for Governor Johnson’s presidential effort and ran his nonprofit, lobbying also for the American College of Healthcare Trustees. Charles has always respected the National Health Federation and is proud to now be its representative on Capitol Hill. He looks forward to advancing the NHF’s health-freedom agenda.